Where is my Rotator Cuff?
The Rotator Cuff sounds scary and ambiguous, but it's right there waiting for you to DIY release it! Come in and see for yourself.
I’ve been thinking lately about how powerful this singular, easy rotator cuff technique (video below) is for three different reasons:
The rotator cuff connects your shoulder blade to both your collar bone and your arm bone. The muscles of the RT both stabilize your shoulder blade and allow it to move. When sticky or tense, both these functions become compromised and oftentimes create pain.
It makes you realize that the rotator cuff is not an ambiguous, delicate area that can only be understood by pros. It’s yours and it’s tangible. And it’s made up of just four different muscles.
It empowers you to take charge of any aches or tweaks you might sense in your shoulder in a super accessible way. You can find it, feel it and feel your tension melting out of it.
It awakens you to how connected this area is to the mobility of your shoulders and even your neck. And, you might end up surprised by how much better your whole upper body feels after releasing it.
This technique is one of my greatest achievements. 😄 Seriously—being able to teach you how to mobilize your shoulder by way of relaxing the rotator cuff (and, in this video, the tricep) is maybe the thing I was put on this planet to do. The only thing you’ve got to remember is that your shoulder is circular. You’ve got a back, a front, a top, a bottom and ALL the small angles in between. If you sense that your whole shoulder girdle needs to hit the reset button, grab my Foam Rolling for Neck and Shoulder Relief Masterclass. It’s 90 minutes total and might just change your life!
A 90-minute masterclass designed to alleviate stress and tension from your entire upper body.
This technique also shows up in most of my weekly classes released over on the Release Technique Patreon. Our Patreon has a library of 100+ classes, all between 30-60 minutes for weekly DIY massage maintenance. And it’s only $10/month!
Join our community via Patreon for the fullest expression of stress and tension relief on a weekly basis. 💛
I was celebrating Thanksgiving with my family this week/weekend, and to me it’s about three things: enjoying the present moments, experiencing gratitude for the family I get to be with at this stage in my life, expressing gratitude for my body and myself by moving each day and rolling to release any build up emotion or anxiety. Do you have any reflections during this time of year?
Thankful for you,